Big move! Shanghai's 10 billion integrated circuit design industry M&A fund has come."At present, the Yangtze River Delta has many excellent semiconductor enterprises and research institutions, while Shanghai has many top semiconductor design enterprises at home and abroad, such as Quanlun Electronics, Lanqi Technology, Fudan Microelectronics, Weir, Aojie Technology and Ziguang Zhanrui. The establishment of industrial mergers and acquisitions will help to integrate industry resources, promote industry agglomeration, and form a group of design companies with strength and key core technologies. " Yuan Shuai said.In its view, this 10 billion M&A fund is not only 10 billion yuan, but also a way for the government to encourage and guide M&A through the amplification of M&A funds. "In short, whether it is the M&A fund of the integrated circuit design industry or the M&A fund of biomedicine, the core purpose is to guide the orderly development of the industry and avoid the dependence on the IPO path, leading to excessive competition in the industry."
At the end of the year, Shanghai launched a big action in the field of mergers and acquisitions. Today, the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government issued the Action Plan for Shanghai to Support the Merger and Reorganization of Listed Companies (2025-2027) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).Big move! Shanghai's 10 billion integrated circuit design industry M&A fund has come.The science and technology innovation board Journal reporter noted that over the past year, a number of semiconductor companies have indeed terminated the IPO process. For example, Chengdu Ruiyuan Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. terminated its IPO nearly 10 months after the meeting. In addition, more than 20 companies in the semiconductor industry also voluntarily withdrew their materials to terminate the IPO after being inspected on the spot.
In terms of the amount, it is necessary to form a M&A transaction scale of 300 billion yuan, activate the total assets to exceed 2 trillion yuan, and gather 3-5 professional M&A fund managers with strong industry influence. The plan also proposes to make good use of the 10 billion yuan integrated circuit design industry M&A fund and set up a 10 billion yuan biomedical industry M&A fund.For the biomedical industry, Bu Rixin told the reporter of science and technology innovation board Daily that the investment cycle of biomedicine is generally long, and it needs to go through multiple stages from research and development to listing."The government's participation in M&A fund investment does not mean that the government will dominate the M&A business, but encourage market-oriented institutions and chain owners to lead the M&A business through the above-mentioned M&A fund or parent fund support." Bu Rixin believes.